America 250 SAR Programs
“The America 250 SAR Programs Committee works with the SAR at the state and local chapters to find and distribute quality programs for all to use at the local level."
To find out what is happening with our three other committees: Communications, Events, and Publications, check them out by clicking on the button on the right. If you have questions about these three committees please contact Clifford Olsen.
Welcome to the Programs Department of America 250 SAR, an important committee of the Sons of the American Revolution that helps brand our patriot organization while promoting many elements of the American Revolution, beginning with the Stamp Act through the Treaty of Paris. We manage a variety of projects that include:
• The tool kit that helps you understand how to conduct your individual events. • Programs that demonstrate how to complete an event that is part of an ongoing program. • Blast emails sharing news about what other chapters are doing and our new offerings. • Making 250th Anniversary resources available for Scout Troops and Councils. • A variety of educational presentations that allow you to interact with the community. • Merchandise related to the celebration of the 250th Anniversary. • Genealogy resources that help preserve valuable patriot records.
Revised March 23, 2022
Next Revision After Congress
Buy Your New America 250 Merchandise In One Place
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