This site developed and maintained by the America 250 SAR Programs Committee
“The America 250 SAR Programs Committee works with the SAR at the state and local chapters to find and distribute quality programs for all to use at the local level."
Welcome to the Programs Department of America 250 SAR, an important committee of the Sons of the American Revolution that helps brand our patriot organization while promoting many elements of the American Revolution, beginning with the Stamp Act through the Treaty of Paris. We manage a variety of projects that include programs and educational presentations and resources that our mrmbers and educators can download and use.
Celebrate the "Decade of the American Revolution"
2024 First Continental CongressLEARN MORE
* Consistent with the mission of the SAR in promoting education about the American Revolutionary era, the America 250 SAR Programs Committee presents the links on this site for our members, educators, parents, homeschoolers, students and researchers. The SAR is not responsible for and does not endorse the content posted at third-party sites. This is a service to provide a clearing house of available options.
Our Patriots
Genealogy Classes
History Explorers
Thomas Robertson Patriot Grave Marking
Patriot Sons
& Daughters: Nathan Boone Patriot Grave Marking

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SAR Programs Committee YouTube Video